
Sedation Dentistry

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist located in Bellevue/ West Nashville, Nashville, TN

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Sedation Dentistry services offered in Bellevue/ West Nashville, Nashville, TN

If your child experiences dental anxiety or has a sensitive gag reflex, sedation dentistry can help them relax during oral health care. At Little Harpeth Children’s Dentistry™, board-certified pediatric dentist Priya Purohit, DDS, MSD, offers several types of sedation dentistry, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and general anesthesia. To make an appointment for your child, please call our office directly.  

Sedation Dentistry Q & A

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry uses prescription medication and/or substances like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help children relax during routine dental procedures. It provides a safe and effective way to help your child relax if they’re scared or have trouble sitting still for extended periods.


Is my child a candidate for sedation dentistry?

At Little Harpeth Children’s Dentistry™, Dr. Purohit recommends sedation dentistry to children who:

  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Have a sensitive gag reflex
  • Experience dental anxiety
  • Need lots of dental work done
  • Have sensitive teeth

Your child might also benefit from sedation dentistry if they squirm around or have difficulty sitting still.


What are the types of sedation dentistry?

At Little Harpeth Children’s Dentistry™, Dr. Purohit offers several types of sedation dentistry, including:

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a sedative that your child inhales through a mask. It works almost instantly, causing your child to feel happy and relaxed. Dr. Purohit adjusts the amount of laughing gas your child receives during treatment, ensuring they remain comfortable and carefree. After treatment, the mask is filled with oxygen to flush out all of the "happy gas." Your child will walk out the same way they came in.

Oral sedation

If your child needs to undergo a lengthy procedure, Dr. Purohit might recommend oral sedation. Oral sedation uses prescription medication, Midazolam (Versed), to help your child relax before treatment. 

Oral sedation does not put your child to sleep, they are awake and some level of cooperation is necessary. 

General anesthesia

For children who experience extreme dental anxiety, Dr. Purohit recommends general anesthesia. General anesthesia administers medicine directly into your child’s bloodstream, causing them to fall asleep while a controlled airway is maintained. General anesthesia is always administered by a medical anesthesiologist. In office, we use Nashville Office Based Anesthesia (NOBA), for a surgery center we use Tennesse Surgery Center (TSC).


Is sedation dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry is safe and typically well-tolerated, but it isn’t right for all children. Before moving forward with treatment, Dr. Purohit reviews your child’s dental records, performs an oral exam, and takes a series of digital X-rays. 

If your child has an underlying health problem that might interfere with the anesthesia or increase the risk of complications, be sure to let Dr. Purohit know. You should also alert her to any vitamins, supplements, or medicines your child regularly takes.

To request sedation dentistry for your child, make an appointment at Little Harpeth Children’s Dentistry™ by calling the office today.