Did you know your baby’s teeth are at risk for decay as soon as the child is born? One of the biggest causes of tooth decay in infants and toddlers is known as baby bottle tooth decay.
Baby bottle tooth decay occurs when the baby’s teeth are exposed for extended periods of time to liquids that contain sugar, such as juice, sweetened water and potentially milk or formula. The sugars in these drinks feed the bacteria in plaque that accumulate around the baby’s teeth and gums. Like adult teeth, each time a child drinks these beverages the acids attack the teeth for 20 minutes or longer, and multiple attacks can cause cavities and decay.
The good news is that baby tooth decay is very preventable. Here are a few ways parents can help keep tooth decay at bay for their little one.
It’s never too early to start taking care of your baby’s teeth and gums. Pay special care to your baby’s mouth now, and always contact Little Harpeth Children's Dentistry with questions or at the first sign of a problem.